Cologne Consensus Conference 2018 now online
The presentations of CCC18 are now available online:
The CCC18 dealt with “What our data tells us: about value, providers, activities, and learners” and has gathered accreditors as well as providers from all over the globe to discuss
- Why accreditation of CME matters to regulators, featuring presentations from Canada, the US, and CPME (Comité Permanent des Médecins Européens) describing the complex scenario in Europe
- How different accreditation systems have been established (provider/activity/hybrid accreditation), what they have achieved, and which challenges they are facing; incl. presentations from Germany, Austria, European Specialty Accreditation Boards, the US, and Canada
EBAC in support of Cologne Consensus Conference 2019
“Standards and Guidelines in Accredited CPD” to be held on Sept.13/14, 2019 in Cologne, Germany
CCC19 has been planned to build on our work together to form an international standard for CPD accreditation. These standards would form the basis for substantial equivalency between international accreditation systems, and ultimately may form the basis for credit reciprocity for CPD among and between countries.
To achieve this goal CCC19 is going to cover the following domains:
- Eligibility and Administrative Responsibilities of an Accreditor
- Independence and Transparency
- Needs Assessment
- Content Development
- Educational Quality
- Educational Outcomes
I am looking forward to meet you in Cologne!
Best wishes