About Us
As an accrediting body EBAC® supports, and applies the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Declarations of the World Medical Association (WMA), and the Standards for Substantive Equivalency between CME/CPD Accreditation Systems of the International Academy for CPD Accreditation (IACPDA).
EBAC® considers continuing education (CE) and continuing professional development (CPD) as backbone of an equitable and affordable practice of medicine according to accepted professional standards, and accreditation as an essential element to ensure independence and quality of CE/CPD.
To achieve better patient outcomes EBAC® strongly encourages all providers to develop a holistic approach consistently addressing aspects of diversity, equity, inclusion, and community health in their CE/CPD activities.
- Accredits continuing education in the health professions, i.e. physicians, nurses, allied professions, and teams (interprofessional CE)
- Endorses, and accredits, according to the International Academy for CPD Accreditation (IACPDA) Standards for Substantive Equivalency between CPD/CME Accreditation Systems.
Supports the work of the International Academy for CPD Accreditation (IACPDA) to build a global community of accrediting bodies working in the framework of unified standards for accreditation of continuing education for professionals in the health-care sector, and also promotes this endeavor as a partner member of the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities (IAMRA).