From EBAC® to….. EBAC®!
Since 20 years at the heart of education in medicine:
From EBAC® to….. EBAC®!
About 20 years ago the “European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology” has started to accredit continuing medical education in cardiovascular medicine.
Since nearly 10 years EBAC has supported the Cologne Consensus Conference, which since its inception in 2012 has dealt with various topics in continuing education, going well beyond the specialty of cardiology and covering also interprofessional continuing education (IPCE).
About 2 years ago EBAC owner ECSF, a non-profit, charitable foundation under German law, has decided that EBAC should accredit continuing education for health professionals, incl. interprofessional education, and also start to offer provider accreditation as an alternative to event accreditation.
This has resulted in accreditation of e.g. the EU funded interprofessional education project “Covid-19 Skills PrepAration CoursE” (C19_SPACE), run by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), and aiming to recruit workforce for intensive care units during the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Consequently, ECSF has now decided that EBAC will maintain its acronym, but the full name will change to
European Board for Accreditation of Continuing Education for Health Professionals
All accreditation procedures will follow the “Standards for Substantive Equivalency between CME/CPD Accreditation Systems” as issued recently by the International Academy for CPD Accreditation (IACPDA).
EBAC is proud to have access to a network of experts highly experienced in accreditation of continuing education in the medical professions, who are now going to apply the “Standards” in all EBAC accreditation activities.
As education evolves, so has accreditation, and this process has substantially been accelerated during the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, EBAC is looking forward to being able now to even better serve the needs of people who are unified in their goal to improve patient as well as community health.