What should accreditation focus on?

This has been the implicit question behind the symposium on “Future of e-learning in CME/CPD”, held virtually on Jan 27, 2023.

The pandemic has boosted online education and provided us with evidence for phenomena we principally knew already before, but had not been able to assess their magnitude. This includes (among others) higher pace of spread of information, selective use of educational offers, satisfaction of learners’ immediate needs, increase in outreach, improvement of work-life-balance etc.

Since the pandemic has ceased to impact on our daily lives, questions about the future of online education still remain:

  • What role will online or hybrid education play for different health professionals in the long-term future?
  • Can facilitated access to online education establish a new level of efficiency in continuing education?
  • Will economic frameworks for online education ensure to maintain the levels of outreach achieved during the pandemic?
  • How can administrative procedures align with the new complexities of educational programs?
  • What should be in the focus of accrediting bodies (beyond independence)?

Our virtual symposium has discussed many of these questions and you are kindly invited to view the recordings of all presentations (available through http://e-cs-f.org/en/symposium-future-of-e-learning-in-cpd-27-01-2023/) as well as the official report, authored by Ron Murray and published in the Journal of CME (JCME): Ron Murray (2023) Report on the Peter Mills Honorary Symposium, Future of E-Learning in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Presented Online in January 2023 by the European Cardiology Section Foundation (ECSF®), Journal of CME, 12:1, DOI: 10.1080/28338073.2023.2205259

EBAC is currently in the process to revise its rules for accreditation of e-learning, and I would like to kindly invite you to provide us with your perspective on the future of e-learning and what you consider to be the most pressing issues in e-learning EBAC should deal with as an accrediting body. Please feel free to contact EBAC through accreditation@ebac-cme.org

Looking forward to your response I remain

With best regards

Robert Schaefer, MD